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1 742

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, 00:05

"Ihr seid alle Idioten zu glauben, aus Eurer Erfahrung etwas lernen zu können, ich ziehe es vor, aus den Fehlern anderer zu lernen, um eigene Fehler zu vermeiden." - Otto von Bismarck

1 745

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, 01:04

"Ihr seid alle Idioten zu glauben, aus Eurer Erfahrung etwas lernen zu können, ich ziehe es vor, aus den Fehlern anderer zu lernen, um eigene Fehler zu vermeiden." - Otto von Bismarck

1 747

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, 03:07


Zitat von »Hitagi Senjougahara - Bakemonogatari«

"If I kill you, that means I'll be the one closest to you when you're on your deathbed. Isn't it romantic?"

And this is the way i prefer to think. ;)

1 749

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, 03:12


Zitat von »Hitagi Senjougahara - Bakemonogatari«

"If I kill you, that means I'll be the one closest to you when you're on your deathbed. Isn't it romantic?"

And this is the way i prefer to think. ;)

1 752

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, 03:24


Zitat von »Hitagi Senjougahara - Bakemonogatari«

"If I kill you, that means I'll be the one closest to you when you're on your deathbed. Isn't it romantic?"

And this is the way i prefer to think. ;)

1 756

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, 03:59


Zitat von »Hitagi Senjougahara - Bakemonogatari«

"If I kill you, that means I'll be the one closest to you when you're on your deathbed. Isn't it romantic?"

And this is the way i prefer to think. ;)

1 758

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, 04:04

um es mal nicht zu viel zu spammen: gar

Zitat von »Hitagi Senjougahara - Bakemonogatari«

"If I kill you, that means I'll be the one closest to you when you're on your deathbed. Isn't it romantic?"

And this is the way i prefer to think. ;)

1 759

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, 04:05

war ja auch bissel viel xDD


1 760

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, 04:07


Zitat von »Hitagi Senjougahara - Bakemonogatari«

"If I kill you, that means I'll be the one closest to you when you're on your deathbed. Isn't it romantic?"

And this is the way i prefer to think. ;)