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2 841

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 20:52

Hide behind a mask you fucking Coward, You stand powerless, Hide behind a mask you fucking coward, I detest your presence.

Know my name and fear it,

Know my name and fear it.

I was born to destroy you will not escape me ?

2 843

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 20:57

Hide behind a mask you fucking Coward, You stand powerless, Hide behind a mask you fucking coward, I detest your presence.

Know my name and fear it,

Know my name and fear it.

I was born to destroy you will not escape me ?

2 845

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 21:15

Hide behind a mask you fucking Coward, You stand powerless, Hide behind a mask you fucking coward, I detest your presence.

Know my name and fear it,

Know my name and fear it.

I was born to destroy you will not escape me ?

2 847

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 21:18

Hide behind a mask you fucking Coward, You stand powerless, Hide behind a mask you fucking coward, I detest your presence.

Know my name and fear it,

Know my name and fear it.

I was born to destroy you will not escape me ?

2 850

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 21:23

Hide behind a mask you fucking Coward, You stand powerless, Hide behind a mask you fucking coward, I detest your presence.

Know my name and fear it,

Know my name and fear it.

I was born to destroy you will not escape me ?

2 851

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 21:25


2 853

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 21:33

Hide behind a mask you fucking Coward, You stand powerless, Hide behind a mask you fucking coward, I detest your presence.

Know my name and fear it,

Know my name and fear it.

I was born to destroy you will not escape me ?

2 855

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 21:36

Hide behind a mask you fucking Coward, You stand powerless, Hide behind a mask you fucking coward, I detest your presence.

Know my name and fear it,

Know my name and fear it.

I was born to destroy you will not escape me ?

2 857

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 22:11

Hide behind a mask you fucking Coward, You stand powerless, Hide behind a mask you fucking coward, I detest your presence.

Know my name and fear it,

Know my name and fear it.

I was born to destroy you will not escape me ?

2 858

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 22:13


2 859

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2012, 22:18

Hide behind a mask you fucking Coward, You stand powerless, Hide behind a mask you fucking coward, I detest your presence.

Know my name and fear it,

Know my name and fear it.

I was born to destroy you will not escape me ?