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Montag, 7. September 2009, 16:51

Do you really mean it?

~ Du hast mich zum Teufel gejagt und er empfing mich mit offenen Armen. ~


Montag, 7. September 2009, 17:08

no i dont =(
~NeVer Ending Story~

~ Semper Fi ~


Montag, 7. September 2009, 17:15

I don't care about that what another people think about me. =P


Montag, 7. September 2009, 17:22

Completely right.

~ Du hast mich zum Teufel gejagt und er empfing mich mit offenen Armen. ~


Montag, 7. September 2009, 17:29

if you happy and you know it klapp your hands xD
~NeVer Ending Story~

~ Semper Fi ~


Montag, 7. September 2009, 17:33

Are you crazy?
Lol what a question.
You ARE crazy!

*clap my hands*

Are you happy and you know it stamp your feets!

~ Du hast mich zum Teufel gejagt und er empfing mich mit offenen Armen. ~


Montag, 7. September 2009, 17:37

if you happy and you know it and you realy want to show it
if you happy and you know it klapp&stamp you hand & food xD
~NeVer Ending Story~

~ Semper Fi ~


Montag, 7. September 2009, 17:39

Not in one thousand years.


Montag, 7. September 2009, 17:43

~NeVer Ending Story~

~ Semper Fi ~


Montag, 7. September 2009, 17:54

So come up with something funny crap.^^


Dienstag, 8. September 2009, 01:39

We're lot's of freaks inside. o.o
うちは サスケ

° N- R- C °


Dienstag, 8. September 2009, 02:17

Who cares...? For some guys i'm a nerd, for another people i'm mentally ill, and for some another scum i must be a nazi and racist...
But in fact, it's of no importance, what people think about me...
In fact, nobody should'nt care, what is going on in the (mostly damaged or small) brains of other people. If this will be true, Gaia will become a much better place to live. I wish more than one billion people to hell...


Dienstag, 8. September 2009, 02:25

You're embittered are you?
When you don't care about the thinks of other people,
why it's so engaging what you think about other people?
They don't care what you're thinking!
うちは サスケ

° N- R- C °


Dienstag, 8. September 2009, 02:39

Embittered? Maybe...
Well, someone must to clarify about a deadly fascist-ideology. I don't care, what other people think about me, but i take care of the politically situation here in Germany, Europe and the world, that's a difference.
I take care what happens in Auschwitz since sixth of September 2009 until today. And for that i hate them and want to see those traitors drowning in their own blood.


Dienstag, 8. September 2009, 03:50

But you can't universalize!
We aren't all the same.
When you hate the humanity, you hate yourself too.
うちは サスケ

° N- R- C °


Dienstag, 8. September 2009, 03:53

Pls. guys not the same topic like everyday. xD

~ Du hast mich zum Teufel gejagt und er empfing mich mit offenen Armen. ~


Dienstag, 8. September 2009, 04:09

To be an misanthrope, means not to hate yourself. I don't hate the WHOLE mankind... But a much of them. The one more, the other fewer.
You're right, we aren't all the same... But i see mankind as a big malfunction in Gaia's system and nobody in the whole world can make me think otherwise. Misanthropy means not, to be not happy in your life...
Anyway, sooner or later mankind will disappear at once and for ever. Nothing can prevent it. And nobody will give a shit on us.


Sonntag, 8. November 2009, 04:35

Hey guys!
Something new?

~ Du hast mich zum Teufel gejagt und er empfing mich mit offenen Armen. ~


Dienstag, 17. November 2009, 13:48

I play Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare on Veteran difficulty. It's quite hard. I play it in english of course, so i curse in english if i die. For example that:


Mittwoch, 18. November 2009, 12:55

None new from my side.
Today I will meet my boyfriend and I want go shopping for Santa Claus Day at 6t dezember.
Love is like heaven, but it can hurt like hell.

° N- R- C °