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Bonjour !!
hier könnt mal eine franzöische kanversation starten
ich wünsche viel spaß *_*
-That awkward moment when you're about to hug someone extremly sexy and then you hit the mirror.- <3
Je dois avouer moi francais n'est pas bien....
Ich hoffe der Satz war überhaupt richtig O.o
"If I kill you, that means I'll be the one closest to you when you're on your deathbed. Isn't it romantic?"
And this is the way i prefer to think.
oui le mien mais aussi ...
-That awkward moment when you're about to hug someone extremly sexy and then you hit the mirror.- <3
Comment allez-vous?
Mein Gewissen ist rein... ich habe es noch nie benutzt
Ich bin kein Stalker! ... Übrigens... du hast keine Milch mehr...
très bien, merci.
qu'est ce que tu fais?
... Because I am beautiful! ... suis une pomme
"If I kill you, that means I'll be the one closest to you when you're on your deathbed. Isn't it romantic?"
And this is the way i prefer to think.
une pomme?
je suis une ceries:O
-That awkward moment when you're about to hug someone extremly sexy and then you hit the mirror.- <3
C'est cool! Mais quoi de mieux? Pommes ou cerises? Je ne sais pas ...
"If I kill you, that means I'll be the one closest to you when you're on your deathbed. Isn't it romantic?"
And this is the way i prefer to think.
ceries sont tres belle*___*
-That awkward moment when you're about to hug someone extremly sexy and then you hit the mirror.- <3