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Samstag, 13. August 2011, 01:20

Grey Daze - Hole

I would have sailed away
If I'd known that nothing
Would change
Staring out my window sill
In my wasted prison cell
And I know what you want
And I know what you feel
As I cradle your loving
And watch you disappear
And I feel your heartbeat
Pounding in my head
I'd like to control you
Cause I can't control myself, myself
Rain come my way
Mold my head like a ball of clay
Softly wither into my grave
Never to see the sun again
All alone in a crowd by myself
So sorry wish I could
Find a way
Back into your hole again
But I've become your enemy


Samstag, 13. August 2011, 12:06

Tyr - Shwadow of the Swastika

You who think the hue of your hide means you are to blame
And your father's misdeeds are his son's to carry in shame
Not mine I'll take no part
You can shove the sins of your father where no light may pass
And kiss my Scandinavian ass

Pages of the past
How long will they last?
A lie lost in the legacy of fools left us this parody unsurpassed
Pages of the past
How long will they last?
The shadow of the Swastika by fools' fears now for far too long has been cast

You who think the hue of your hide means you get to blame
The black for your own faults and so bring humanity shame
Make sure you count me out of the ranks of your inbred morons
With your sewer gas and kiss my Scandinavian ass

Pages of the past
How long will they last?
A lie lost in the legacy of fools left us this parody unsurpassed
Pages of the past
How long will they last?
The shadow of the Swastika by fools' fears now for far too long has been cast

Pages of the past
How long will they last?
A lie lost in the legacy of fools left us this parody unsurpassed
Pages of the past
How long will they last?
The shadow of the Swastika by fools' fears now for far too long has been cast

~Touched by his noodly appendage~


Samstag, 13. August 2011, 15:40

Bosse - Weit Weg

Ich bin raus, ich kann nicht mehr, ich bin wo anders

Mein Kopf ist in der Umlaufbahn und wandert

Was ich liebe hab ich im Tumult verloren

Alles bricht über mir ein, es pfeift in den Ohren

Und ich schau auf die blaue Welt

Mit den Händen an den Sternen

Mit geschlossenen Augen auf Distanz

Ich bin so weit weg

Um wieder nah zu sein

Jedes Problem wird wie Luft sein

Und nur den umriss, nur die Hülle lass ich liegen

In Chaos, Schlamm und überfüllten Zügen

Ich will raus, weil nichts hören so entspannt, wieder empfinden

Auf Aussichtstürme steigen und verschwinden

Und ich schau auf die blaue Welt

Mit den Händen an den Sternen

Mit geschlossenen Augen auf Distanz

Ich bin so weit weg

Wieder nah zu sein

Jedes Problem wird wie Luft sein

Ich bin so weit weg

Um wieder nah zu sein

Jedes Problem wird wie Luft sein

Wenn du mich jetzt siehst

Gib mir ein Zeichen

Gib mir ein Zeichen

Ein kleines licht

Zünd all deine Leuchtfeuer

Zünd deine Leuchtfeuer

Zünd all deine Leuchtfeuer

Für dich komm ich wieder

Zünd all deine Leuchtfeuer

Zünd deine Leuchtfeuer

Zünd all deine Leuchtfeuer

Wegen dir komm ich wieder

Ich bin so weit weg

Um wieder nah zu sein

Jedes Problem wird wie Luft sein

Bis ich wieder atmen kann

Ich sehe klar was übrig bleibt

Für eine kleine Ewigkeit

Für eine kleine Ewigkeit


Samstag, 13. August 2011, 16:04

VersaEmerge ~ Redesign me

If you were still around,
You'd tell me I'm different, since the last time you called me out
I'd put you down, I'd tell you it's a waste of time to keep you by my side.
If you were still around, I swear, we would sit and stare, we would be nowhere...

And to this day I look for what it's going to take, to just let things be...

Sill today I wonder is it you or me who should feel guilty...
I'm pulling, I'm pushing, I'm putting it out of my mind.
... thought that I had said goodbye

If you were still around,

You'd tell me that you're sorry, but you don't know what you're sorry about
I'd keep to myself, keep you guessing, make you question
If it's ever going to work itself out.
If you were still around, I swear, we would sit and stare, we would be nowhere...

Yeah, it still haunts me...

"Vergiss den Prinzen, mir reicht das Schloss"
P.U.S.H ~ Pray Until Something Happens ♥


Sonntag, 14. August 2011, 03:27

Eigentlich garnicht meine Musikwelt aber das Lied is mir wichtig...

Herbert Grönemeyer - Der Weg

Ich kann nicht mehr sehn, trau nicht mehr meinen Augen,
kann kaum noch glauben – Gefühle haben sich gedreht.
Ich bin viel zu träge um aufzugeben.
Es wär auch zu früh, weil immer was geht.

Wir waren verschwor’n, wärn füreinander gestorben,
hab’n den Regen gebogen, uns Vertrauen geliehn.
Wir haben versucht, auf der Schussfahrt zu wenden.
Nichts war zu spät, aber vieles zu früh.

Wir haben uns geschoben durch alle Gezeiten,
haben uns verzettelt, uns verzweifelt geliebt.
Wir haben die Wahrheit so gut es ging verlogen.
Es war ein Stück vom Himmel, dass es dich gibt.

Du hast jeden Raum mit Sonne geflutet,
hast jeden Verdruss ins Gegenteil verkehrt.
Nordisch nobel – deine sanftmütige Güte,
dein unbändiger Stolz …. Das Leben ist nicht fair.

Den Film getanzt in einem silbernen Raum.
Vom goldnen Balkon die Unendlichkeit bestaunt.
Heillos versunken, trunken, und alles war erlaubt.
Zusammen im Zeitraffer. Mittsommernachtstraum.

Du hast jeden Raum mit Sonne geflutet,
hast jeden Verdruss ins Gegenteil verkehrt.
Nordisch nobel – deine sanftmütige Güte,
dein unbändiger Stolz …. Das Leben ist nicht fair.

Dein sicherer Gang, deine wahren Gedichte,
deine heitere Würde, dein unerschütterliches Geschick.
Du hast der Fügung deine Stirn geboten.
Hast ihn nie verraten deinen Plan vom Glück,
deinen Plan vom Glück.

Ich gehe nicht weg, hab meine Frist verlängert.
Neue Zeitreise, offene Welt.
Habe dich sicher in meiner Seele.
Ich trag dich bei mir, bis der Vorhang fällt.
Ich trag dich bei mir, bis der Vorhang fällt …


Dienstag, 16. August 2011, 19:10

Framing Hanley - Warzone

Change your ways for them.
It's all part of the game we play.
Fight for what you could never ever win.
Take a number.
Welcome to LA this is where it's led.
I think about the ways.
The means in the betweens,
completely lost my head.
I think about the exit plan... where does this end?
You better keep your head down.

My life is a warzone.
Torn between what's right and wrong.
My life is a warzone.
There's no way out.
I'm gonna end up hurting someone.

I creep around over egg shells down at the start.
Don't know how I'm gonna make it today.
Frustrated and losing myself in the part.
Now the white coats come to put me away.
Hanging by a thread I live without time for what's real.
These moments I must steal.
I pick through what's left.
I live without letting pain feel I have a chance to heal.
You better keep your head down.

My life is a warzone.
Torn between what's right and wrong.
My life is a warzone.
There's no way out .
I'm gonna end up hurting someone.

I've been waiting for better days.
These hard times won't go away.
I still haven't found my place.
Well there's nothing left to leave behind.
I won't give you what is mine.
I'll be fine.
You better keep your head down.

My life is a warzone.
Torn between what's right and wrong.
My life is a warzone.
There's no way out .
I'm gonna end up hurting someone.

My life is a warzone.
Torn between what's right and wrong.
My life is a warzone.
There's no way out .
I'm gonna end up hurting someone.


Dienstag, 16. August 2011, 19:16

Hurts - Silver Lightning

There's a storm on the streets, but you still don't run
Watching and waiting for the rain to come.
And these words wouldn't keep you dry
Or wipe tears from an open sky,
But I know, but I know, but I know I'm right.

And I won't let you drown, when the water's pulling you in
I'll keep fighting, I'll keep fighting.
The rain's going to follow you wherever you go.
The clouds go black and the thunder rolls
And I see lightning, and I see lightning.

When the World surrounds you, I'll make it go away
Paint the sky with silver lining.
I will try to save you, cover up the grey
With silver lining.

Now there's no way back from the things you've done
I know it's too late to stop the setting sun.
You see the shadows in the distant light,
And it's never going to be alright
And you know, and you know, and you know I'm right.

And I won't get left behind, when the walls come tumbling in
I'll keep climbing, I'll keep climbing
The rain's going to follow you wherever you go.
The clouds go black and the thunder rolls
And I see lightning, and I see lightning.

When the World surrounds you, I'll make it go away
Paint the sky with silver lining
I will try to save you, cover up the grey
With silver lining. (x2)

Silver, silver, silver, silver, silver, silver lining,
Deep blue sky, deep blue sky.

Spoiler Spoiler

Da ist ein Sturm auf den Straßen, aber du läufst noch nicht,
Wachend und wartend auf den kommenden Regen.
Und diese Worte werden dich nicht trocken halten,
Oder Tränen vom offenen Himmel wischen,

Aber ich weiß, aber ich weiß, aber ich weiß, ich habe recht.
Ich lass dich nicht ertrinken,
wenn das Wasser dich hineinzieht

Ich kämpfe weiter, Ich kämpfe weiter
Der Regen wird dir folgen, wo auch immer du gehst,
Die Wolken werden schwarz und der Donner tost
Und ich sehe blitzartig, ich sehe blitzartig:


Wenn die Welt dich umgibt,
Bringe ich sie dazu wegzugehen,
Bemale den Himmel mit Sliberstreifen.
Ich werde versuchen dich zu retten,
Das Grau verdecken,
Mit Silberstreifen.

Jetzt ist kein Weg mehr zurück von den Dingen,
die du getan hast
Ich weiß, dass es zuspät ist,
die untergehende Sonne zu stoppen.
Du siehst Schatten im fernen Licht,
Und es wird nie in Ordung sein,

Und du weißt, und du weißt, und du weißt, dass du recht hast.
Und ich werde nicht zurück gelassen werden,
wenn die Wände einstürzen,

Ich kletter weiter, ich kletter weiter,
Der Regen wird dir folgen, wo auch immer du gehst,
Die Wolken werden schwarz und der Donner tost
Und ich sehe blitzartig, ich sehe blitzartig:


Wenn die Welt dich umgibt,
Bringe ich sie dazu wegzugehen,
Bemale den Himmel mit Sliberstreifen.
Ich werde versuchen dich zu retten,
Das Grau verdecken,
Mit Silberstreifen.


Dienstag, 16. August 2011, 19:30

Kettcar - Graceland

Freitag Abend und Altbau, 4. stock
Wir nennen es Party
Wir betreten die Haupthalle durch den Westflügel
Luft ist geschwängert mit Lügen wie
Man ist immer so alt wie man sich liebt
Da ist man dann besser dabei
Und jeder Satz fängt an mit "eigentlich" und endet nicht
Das ist Graceland Baby, keiner wird erwachsen
Die kleinen dicken Kinder auf der Suche nach Kuchen
Graceland Baby, man ist tot oder jung
Nur die halbe Welt wartet auf den nächsten Hüftschwung nur
Wir würden alle sofort von vorn anfangen
Wir haben Songs, Sex, alles wie immer, nur jünger
Wir würden alle sofort von vorn anfangen
Elvis has left the Krankenhaus
Und ich weiß, weiß, weiß, der King ist der König
Nur die tote Idee ist am Ende zu wenig
Wenn alle nackt sind, wer ist dann der Rebell?
Distinktion und Einbauküche
Dort hinten verteilen sie Wachsmalstifte
Ich glaube die Styler, die anders sein wollen
Wollen Malen nach Zahlen
Das ist Graceland, ich bin einer von ihnen
Es gibt ja auch ernsthaft keine Alternative
Dieser Wahn ist lächerlich dumm und zerrissen
Das macht weiter nichts nur man muss es halt wissen
Graceland, man ist jung oder tot
Das ist Graceland, jung oder tot
Das ist Graceland, du bist hier tot oder jung
Das ist Graceland Baby nur ohne Hüftschwung
Das ist Graceland...
Wir würden alle sofort von vorn anfangen...
Es ist alles wie immer, nur jünger
Elvis has left the building.


Dienstag, 16. August 2011, 19:54

The Green Children ~ Skies on Fire

Lying here, watching stars, feeling tears running down my face
Wishing you, wishing I that we were here
Holding hands

Ah-ooh you lift me higher
Without you the sky’s on fire

I don’t want to be alone anymore
I just can’t describe
How it feels to get close to you
Oh-oh-oho, Oh-oh-oho
Like a rainbow

The night is beautiful
The stars are brighter than ever
And yet I stand here all alone
Watching the waves crashing

Ah-ooh you lift me higher
Without you the sky’s on fire
And it burns and it turns
My heart to ashes
For I won’t bear to not share the night

I don’t want to be alone anymore
I just can’t describe
How it feels to lay close to you
Oh-oh-oho, Oh-oh-oho
Like a rainbow

I heard a voice through a seashell
Singing I belong to you
And when I look into your eyes I can tell
That you’ve come to love me too

I don’t want to be alone anymore
I just can’t describe
How it feels to get close to you
Oh-oh-oho, Oh-oh-oho
Like a rainbow

Hold me now
A-Oh, A-Oh, how you feeling now?
Hey you, hey you, do you feel like I?
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna say?
Standing under that burning sky
I can see you looking over
It’s me…

"Vergiss den Prinzen, mir reicht das Schloss"
P.U.S.H ~ Pray Until Something Happens ♥


Montag, 22. August 2011, 04:21

U2 - Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me

You don't know how you took it
you just know what you got
oh lordy you've been stealing
from the thieves and you got caught

In the headlights
of a stretched car
you're a star

Dressing like your sister
living like a tart
they don't know what you're doing
babe it must be art

You're a headache
in a suitcase
you're a star

Oh no don't be shy
you don't have to go blind
hold me thrill me kiss me kill me

You don't know how you got here
you just know you want out
believing in yourself
almost as much as you doubt

You're a big smash
you wear it like a

Oh no don't be shy
there's a crowd to cry
hold me thrill me kiss me kill me

They want you to be Jesus
they'll go down on one knee
but they'll want their money back
if you're alive at thirty-three

And you're turning tricks
with your crucifix
you're a star

Of course you're not shy
you had to deny love
hold me thrill me kiss me kill me


Montag, 22. August 2011, 11:00

Saltatio Mortis - Ebenbild

Der Vater ist mir unbekannt,
wohnt in einem fernen Land.
Hab nie gewonnen nur verloren.
Keine Mutter hat mich je geboren.

Der Blick zu meinem Spiegel gleite,
Schrecken meine Augen weite.
Aus dem Nabel wächst ein Schlauch,
spendet mir den Lebenshauch.

Tief in mir deine Stimme spricht
erteilt mir kalt Befehle.
Durch meine Adern fließt dein Blut
und kochend heiß brennt meine Wut

Ich bin erschaffen und erdacht
(Aus deinem Blut geboren)
Abgeschrieben Wort für Wort
(Der Geist den du beschworen)
Ich bin ein Zerrbild deiner Selbst
(Ich schulde dir mein Leben)
Bin nicht gezeugt, sondern gemacht.
Ein Narr der aus dem Spiegel lacht.

Ich bin allein mit meinen Fragen
Die Antwort hat nur vier Buchstaben.
Ein geheimes Alphabet,
das im Blut geschrieben steht.

Du warst vom bösen Geist getrieben,
hast es einfach abgeschrieben.
Hast es Wort für Wort kopiert,
hast meine Seele buchstabiert.

Tief in mir deine Stimme spricht
erteilt mir kalt Befehle.
Durch meine Adern fließt dein Blut
und kochend heiß brennt meine Wut

Ich bin erschaffen und erdacht
(Aus deinem Blut geboren)
Abgeschrieben Wort für Wort
(Der Geist den du beschworen)
Ich bin ein Zerrbild deiner Selbst
(Ich schulde dir mein Leben)
Bin nicht gezeugt sondern gemacht.
Ein Narr der aus dem Spiegel lacht.

Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand,
bist mir nur zu gut bekannt.
Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand,
ich schuf dich mit meiner Hand.

Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand,
bist mir nur zu gut bekannt.
Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand,
du lebst und stirbst durch meine Hand.

Tief in dir meine Stimme spricht
erteilt dir kalt Befehle.
Durch deine Adern fließt mein Blut
und kochend heiß brennt deine Wut.

Du bist erschaffen und erdacht
(Aus meinem Blut geboren)
abgeschrieben Wort für Wort
(Der Geist den ich beschworen)
Du bist ein Abbild meiner Selbst
(Du schuldest mir dein Leben)
Bist nicht gezeugt sondern gemacht.
Der Narr der aus dem Spiegel lacht.

Ich bin wie du ein Original
und keine billige Kopie.
Perfekt gefälschtes Ebenbild,
doch einzigartig werd ich nie.
Gierig atme ich das Leben
(Mein Herzschlag gleicht dem Deinen)
Ich bin dein Zwilling und dein Sohn,
doch letztlich bin ich nur ein Klon.

~Touched by his noodly appendage~


Montag, 22. August 2011, 15:05

Alice In Videoland ~ Numb

I'm numb
I can't feel my arms
I can't feel my legs
I can't feel my body
I can't feel my head

I can't come around

Don't know what to feel
I'm nailed to the ground
I'm too wounded to heal

I can't feel my arms

I can't feel my legs
I can't feel my body
I can't feel my head

I can't come around

Don't know what to feel
I'm nailed to the ground
I'm too wounded to heal

I've got blood on my hands

A hole in my heart
I'm afraid of my thoughts and
I'm falling apart
I'm surrounded by fear
Stuck in despair
And if I make it from here I'll be good, I swear

I'm dreaming away

I'm making excuses
Somebody said I'm totally useless
Give me a reason, give me a sign
Something to stop me from loosing my mind

I'm blind

I can't see a thing
I can't hear a word
I can't even bring myself to be heard

I wanna get out

I'm locked up for good
If I speak, if I shout

I'll be misunderstood

I can't feel my arms

I can't feel my legs
I can't feel my body
I can't feel my head

I can't come around

Don't know what to feel
I'm nailed to the ground
I'm too wounded to heal

I've got blood on my hands

A hole in my heart
I'm afraid of my thoughts and
I'm falling apart
I'm surrounded by fear
I'm Stuck in despair
And if I make it from here I'll be good, I swear

I'm dreaming away

I'm making excuses
Somebody said I'm totally useless
Give me a reason, give me a sign
Something to stop me from loosing my mind

I've got blood on my hands

A hole in my heart
I'm afraid of my thoughts and
I'm falling apart
I'm surrounded by fear
I'm Stuck in despair
And if I make it from here I'll be good, I swear

I'm dreaming away

I'm making excuses
Somebody said I'm totally useless
Give me a reason, give me a sign
Something to stop me from loosing my mind

"Vergiss den Prinzen, mir reicht das Schloss"
P.U.S.H ~ Pray Until Something Happens ♥


Montag, 22. August 2011, 15:20

Disco Bitch-C'est beau la bourgeoisie

I'm a bitch (x2)

C'est pour la petite bourgeoisie qui boit du champagne,
C'est pour tous les quotas Français que j'parle plus anglais,
I'm not crazy, I'm just fond of you,
And all the piles of money that grow next to you.
C'est pour la petite bourgeoisie qui flâne à Hawaï.
Qui s'paie des régulièrement, la coupe de champagne.
I'm not crazy, I'm just fond of you,
And all the piles of money that grow next to you

Just recordin' that track for all the bitches out there,
Shakin' their ass like they just don't care,
Like they just don't care.

T'as passé ta vie à prendre ton temps,
Du fric en masse que tu caches dans tes gants
Craqué jusqu'aux dents tu claques la caisse des parents
Pour rentrer dans les soirées célib d'moins 30 ans.

I'm a bitch (x3)

La coupe pour moi si tu comptes pas le prix dedans
Faudra pas trimer pour te faire cracher le billet de 100
Y'a des choses qui n'ont pas de prix,
Comme le dernier sac Versace.

I'm just recording that track for all the bitches out there,
Shaking their ass like they just don't care,
Like they just don't care...


I'm just recording that track for all the bitches out there,
Shaking their ass like they just don't care,
Ohaheh, they just don't care,
They Just don't care.

J'aimerai boire un verre, de boisson, de champagne
C'est pour la petite, ...
Qui boit du champagne

-That awkward moment when you're about to hug someone extremly sexy and then you hit the mirror.- <3


Samstag, 27. August 2011, 00:11

Icon Fore Hire ~ Off With Her Head ♥

Verse I
I'm lucky if I ever see the light of day again
my sin is choking me, my crude built walls are closing in
This cell is filled with claw marks easing me, their teasing me, they told me so I didn't know the fall would be this easy


How long until I find the strength to stand
I wait for mercy in your bleeding hand
I know they'll come with what I'm owed-guilty as charged
My enemies belittle me reminding me the penalty of all my deeds despite my pleas is death


Don't let go 'cause I don't wanna be this, I don't wanna be this
Death is mine I know
Don't let go, don't let go
Save your own 'cause I don't wanna be this, I don't wanna be this
Death is mine I know
Don't let go, don't let go, savior

Verse II

Your way to life has only showed me what a fool I am
It serves the purpose of confirming I remain condemned
And I will ever linger on the edge
Unless you hear me

Spoiler Spoiler

"Vergiss den Prinzen, mir reicht das Schloss"
P.U.S.H ~ Pray Until Something Happens ♥


Samstag, 27. August 2011, 12:49

Sr-71 - Here We Go Again

I met her just last Wednesday
But Friday she was mine
Saturday she spent the night
And everything was fine
By Sunday she was on my nerves
I wanna be alone
Tuesday's here it's been a week
Why won't she go home

In the bedroom she's fakin
All the good ones are taken
Do I have freak stamped across my forehead
I just want a normal girlfriend
But here we go again

The start of week two
She cooks me dinner at her pad
But I can't believe its just so
I can meet her mom and dad
So I sat her down and told her
I just wanna be friends
Today when I got home
The crazy bitch was movin in

In the bedroom she's fakin
All the good ones are taken
Do I have freak stamped across my forehead
I just want a normal girlfriend
But here we go again

Dear God I'm so ashamed
I'll do anything to get laid

In the bedroom she's fakin
All the good ones are taken
Do I have freak stamped across my forehead
I just want a normal girlfriend
But here we go again


Samstag, 27. August 2011, 13:04

Avril Lavigne - Complicated

Uh huh, life's like this
Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is
Cause life's like this
Uh huh, uh huh that's the way it is

Chill out whatcha yelling' for?
Laid back it's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
you will see
I like you the way you are
When we're drivin' in your car
and you're talking to me one on one but you've become

Somebody else round everyone else
You're watching your back like you can't relax
You're tryin' to be cool you look like a fool to me
Tell me

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
And you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
and promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no

You come over unannounced
dressed up like you're somethin' else
where you are ain't where it's at you see
you're making me
laugh out when you strike your pose
take off all your preppy clothes
you know you're not fooling anyone
when you've become

Somebody else round everyone else
Watching your back, like you can't relax
Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me
Tell me

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
and You fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into
promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no

Chill out whatcha yelling for?
Lay back, it's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
You will see

Somebody else round everyone else
You're watching your back, like you can't relax
You're trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me
Tell me

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
and you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into
promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like your somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
You fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no


Samstag, 27. August 2011, 13:05

Japanese Cartoon - Gasp

Now all your outsides are in a rush,
and all your insides are out of touch,
and then you realize, Real lives,
life the idea dies.
And the crush, pulverized into dust,
And the poltergeist rises up,
Under the hill lies,
Now lies us,
Cut lady luck knifes didn't gassed us up.

Cause your pleasure is painful,
yeah you know, you know, you know,
well it's worse,
cause you don't know,
just how much it,

I'm writing you,
In spite of you,
The conflict rests inside of you,
Dividing you,
Devour you,
Defeating and de-power you.
Depleting and deflower you,
Revolutions waiting on the hour to,
Expose all of,
The weakness of the powerful.
Redefine uncomfortable,
Is currently the question,
And the suffering,
The famous nameless angels are up under you.
Your happiness is killing me,
The fantasy and fantasize,
Insanity romantically are,

Pleasure is painful,
yeah you know, you know, you know,
well it's worse,
when you don't know,
just how much it hurts.


Samstag, 27. August 2011, 13:09

Nightwish - Amaranth

Baptized with a perfect name
The doubting one by heart
Alone without himself

War between him and the day
Need someone to blame
In the end, little he can do alone

You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Apart from the wandering pack
In this brief flight of time we reach
For the ones, whoever dare

You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Reaching, searching for something untouched
Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak


Samstag, 27. August 2011, 13:32

The Kooks - Naive

Verse 1
I'm not saying it was your fault
Although you could have done more
Oh you're so naive yet so

How could this be done
Your such a smiling sweetheart
Oh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly way
Something so beautiful
That everytime I look inside

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me
I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

Verse 2
I may say it was your fault
Cause I know you could have done more
Oh you're so naive yet so

How could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart
Oh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly way something so beautiful
Everytime I look inside

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me
I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

How could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart
Oh you're so naive yet so
Such an ugly thing
Someone so beautiful
And everytime you're on his side

I know she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it maybe be she's still out to get me
And I know she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it maybe be she's still out to get me

Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to your kite
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to your kite
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to this kite
Just don't let me down
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
And ooh la, she was such a good girl to me. And ooh la, the world just chewed her up, and spat her out. - The Kooks


Samstag, 27. August 2011, 14:24

Sweetbox ~ Crash Landed

Like a bullet intruded deep inside my mind
Going woo woo woo woo
Every moment
There's no way I can escape
Makes me woo woo woo woo
Fall in love a song I sang
Just going around going around going around
It's in my head
Every song, every word, every record I play
Get your voice in my head
Hear you calling my name
Through your lips, through your touch
Every part of me is under your hold
In a minor control
Crash landed
As I'm walking
You are the beating never set
Going woo woo woo woo
When I'm talking
Your words come on my lips
Going woo woo woo woo
Why can't you just let me be
Keep going around going around going around
In my head
Every song, every word, every record I play
Get your voice in my head
Hear you calling my name

Every part of me is under your hold

In a minor control
Oh baby, minor control
Crash landed
It feels like I'm falling down
Crash landed
I can not escape the sound
Crash landed
Feel it you alone
Crash landed
Go around in my head
Every song, every word, every record I play
Get your voice in my head
Hear you calling my name
Through your lips, through your touch
Every part of me is under your hold
In a minor control
Every song, every word, every record I play
Get your voice in my head
Hear you calling my name
Through your lips, through your touch
Every part of me is under your hold
In a minor control
Crash landed
Like a bullet intruded deep inside my mind
Going woo woo woo woo
Every moment

"Vergiss den Prinzen, mir reicht das Schloss"
P.U.S.H ~ Pray Until Something Happens ♥