The whole game is completely linear until halfway through [approximately 20 hours].
There are hardly any towns.
The party is always fixed. The whole game just repeats the movie-battle sequence over and over [In fact the progression is closer to movie-run-battle-run-movie-boss-movie-run-battle…].
There are rather a lot of movies.
Moving around is like a long marathon.
The whole game system is just a clone of FF10.
You can’t flee battles [You can’t avoid most battles either as there is no sneaking past enemies, including weak ones].
Your party is completely healed after each battle.
If the main character in your party dies it is game over [There are only ever 3 characters in battle, often less, and often fixed].
The best tactic is almost always endlessly attacking. There is next to no strategy or skill involved.
The summons’ transformation scenes are a joke [i.e. Odin turning into a horse].
The story is rubbish… [Spoilers omitted, but complaints centre on Snow’s constant and cringe inducing insistence that he is a hero and will “protect” whatever it is the antagonists are menacing this time]
Shopping is only done at “online” shops on save points, with no proper shops to be found.
However, this doesn’t matter as you hardly ever get any money [and you can never buy anything more powerful than what you already looted].
There have been next to no changes from the demo.
The status screen displays no real information.
There are only 8 items usable in combat [For that matter, there are hardly any weapons or accessories, and the “crafting” system mostly consists of spending drops to upgrade their 2 stats].
There are no levels.
With all their advertising money, just how was it they failed even to get Famitsu to give full points?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Cry« (20. Dezember 2009, 18:23)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Melkorohl« (20. Dezember 2009, 18:29)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Cry« (20. Dezember 2009, 19:49)
The game is complete linearity until the open areas near the end. You can’t even backtrack.
Of all the RPGs I’ve played in recent years, this is the first which has been so linear that it’s little more than riding an amusement park ride.
I had heard the opinion that “It’s amazing once you get to Chapter 11,” but why should you spend 20 or 30 hours on a game to get to the only enjoyable part? Just how do they intend to make me play this? Do they think I’m some kind of masochist?
System: 1/10 “Such a crude system barely warrants being called an RPG at all.”
Scenario: 2/10 “An epic tear jerker.”
Graphics: 9/10 “Top marks here.”
Sound: 7/10 “Mostly quality.”
Enthusiasm: 1/10 “As if you could play this for 100 hours! I could put up with 8.”
Total: 4/10 “To think it got this bad…”
Original von Jun Kuro
Inzwischen freu ich mich persönlich ja mehr auf Final Fantasy 13 Versus =D
Ich denke dafür werde ich mir in laufe der nächsten Monate
oder wenn feststeht wann es erscheint,
eine PS3 anschaffen ^^