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Eure Lieblingszitate aus Anime(-Serien)


Montag, 20. Juni 2011, 14:29


"Ihr werdet alle sterben, wenn Ihr versucht stärker zu sein als Gantz"

Die Statue zu Kei.


Montag, 20. Juni 2011, 16:49

"Did you know what Jesus said in John Chapter 5? He said, 'don't bring me any trouble bitch!'"

-Eda, Black Lagoon-


"Both of these are just things. As soon as you strip away their meanings then thats all they really are. Just things and nothing more. And if you give these things any kind of meaning again they won't get any value because they're someones precious memory. Their value will be determined by the one thing everybody agrees on. And that's money. The rest of it is just a bunch of sentimental bullshit"

-Revy, Black Lagoon-


"Sanity? Sorry. I don't remember having such a useless thing in the first place."

"Wonderful! After I kill you, come back to haunt me so I can kill you again!"

-Zaraki Kenpachi, Bleach-

when I was arrested I was dressed in black